President's Message - May 2022

With a mere few days under my belt since the end of tax season, I hope everyone has been able to take a day off, most likely their first day off this year. I hope we have had a chance to just breathe, reacquaint ourselves with family and friends and had an opportunity of getting some much-needed Vitamin D therapy. For what has seemed to be a never-ending tax season for years it feels good to celebrate the official end of tax season in April!  

I would like to as always, thank Sherry and her staff for the endless support given to our members. This year seemed to be quite a strain with the state licensing bureau as many issues arose. Sherry was instrumental in advocating with contacts to help everyone get their issues resolved. 

As far as Buxmont Chapter, not much has transpired while we were finishing the 2020 tax season by Feb 15th and getting educated on the comings and goings for the K-2’s and K-3’s. I know I have appreciated PSTAP in being my source of information on these updates with seminars and the List Serv. We are looking forward to seeing each other again at our after-tax season get together on the Spirit of Philadelphia. Then to look forward to the Annual convention cruise to celebrate Clare Shaw’s service as President of the State society. It has been my pleasure to work with her as the President of Buxmont chapter as she served as the state President.  It may be biased, but I believe she has done a wonderful job this past year. 

The BuxMont Chapter has set up this year’s seminar schedule and working on our chapter meetings. The Chapter meetings have been offered both virtually and in person. As with all technology, there are always a few hiccups, but the general feedback from the virtual attendees has been very positive. In January we had the City of Philadelphia, our speakers, present virtually to both a live and virtual audience. While this did pose new challenges, I believe it came across fairly well and we were able to still provide the Phila tax Road Show to our members. 

The board is continuing to meet both in person and through Zoom allowing many boards members to remain active and participate. We will be looking for a secretary to replace Toni Severns this coming June. I am thankful for the years of service she has provided to our chapter 

We would like to give a big round of applause to Clare Shaw as she ends her term as President. We appreciate her service both to the state and to our chapter for the endless hours she has devoted. 

Tami Polichetti, CPA


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